Sometimes I Take Note of Numbers; Mostly I Don't

Sometimes life moves very fast. You experience a lot of bliss but don't have a moment to share it.

Sunday was marked 6 years of friendship with my most favorite friend, Smoggie Catt.

I love her very much. She brings a lot of magic to my life. That needs to be noted. As I type she is outside playing in the rain.

Monday was my 28th birthday, and also marks 9 months of dating the girl of my dreams.

I don't like keeping up with time so much but it's interesting that my brain does remember such details. 

I am very thankful to one and all who came out to celebrate with me Monday night, for the thoughtful gifts that I received, but mostly the nice words said to me.

I am continually humbled by my friend circle and those who believe in my magic.

Thank you. Thank you Thank you. All of you.

Until I am more awake to type more. 

Live. Dream. Get lost in between.
